воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

данные t date time

This page has been accessed 1,132 times.

This page was last modified 17:59, 27 July 2012.

Click OK button, you will see that tick labels now show as the corresponding time.

Go to the Tick Labels tab in the Axis dialog, change Type to Time and select Display to hh:mm as shown below.

Double-click on the X axis (or select Format : Axes : X Axis from the main menu) to open the Axis dialog. In the Scale tab, change Increment to 30min and Minor Ticks to 2. Click the Apply button, you will see that the tick labels are still all the same and make no sense.

Click OK button to go back to the worksheet. Highlight col(B) and select Plot: Line: Line from the main menu to plot it as a line graph. You will see that the tick labels of X axis are all the same.

Double-click on A(X) to open the Column Properties dialog; set Format as Date, Display as Custom Display, and input dd'.'MM'.'yyyy hh':'mm':'ss'.'## in the Custom Display box as shown below.

Start with a new project and import the data file Sample\Import and Export\Custom Date and Time.dat under Origin's program folder.

How to customize the date and time tick labels.

How to plot the date and time data on the graph.

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8.0 SR6

This tutorial will show you how to manipulate the date and time data, and customize the date and time data on the graph.

Tutorial:Plot and Customize Date Time Data on Graph

Tutorial:Plot and Customize Date Time Data on Graph - Howto Wiki

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